Kia ora! My name is Hayden and I’m a lover of the arts, design, illustration, photography and all things creative. I’m always excited to learn something new and get involved. Lets get in touch. (he/him)
"Cultural Patterns Museum brand box and guidelines." (2023).
"Dreamed Scapes." A dream visualisation and analysis log. (2024).
"Chlöe Swarbrick speech animation." (2023).
"Just Ask" social media animations. For a multimedia social good campaign about pronouns and their usage (2024).
"Just Ask" information booklet. For a multimedia social good campaign about pronouns and their usage (2024).
"Dionysus in The Bacchae, a queer exploration of gender." Folktalk / Mythology publication design (2023).
"Battle of the Sun's Rays" Photography Project. (2024).
"Is Anybody There?" a mental health awareness campaign (2022).
"20 Objects Diptych Poster." (2023).
Click on any project thumbnail for a more detailed view and explanation.
2024 capstone studio project. Designed in Adobe InDesign + Photoshop.AD24 Capstone Project Website.
This project explores how people are connected through dreams and their collective themes by visualising and recording the dreams of multiple people. The artefact is a ring binder working as a filing system that logs each dream with an individual concertina. Inside each concertina, scenes from the dream are visualised with a surrealist collage style focusing on taking real-world imagery and arranging it into something imagined. By gathering dreams together inside one folder, the audience can also begin to search for similarities and differences in the themes and images from the dreams of others through categorisation with designed symbols.
This was a photography project self directed by me with the intention to capture the Paukaranga Plaza mall in its changing state. Pakuranga Plaza is one of NZ's oldest mall's opened in 1965 but now it sits quiet and dying as more and more stores inside disappear. I wanted to capture to eerie dying shopping centre atmosphere within my photos.It is a series called "Battle of the Sun's Rays" since that is a translation of the Māori name Pakuranga and refers to a battle at Ōhuiarangi. I felt it was humourous that such a sleepy shopping centre has such an exciting name.You can see my process and thinking more on my Tumblr.

Designed in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
Mistress of the Scarlet Moon by Irian Cestes. Imagined fantasy romance novel.
The Hallowed Halls by Marcellus Ingenvinus. Imagined gothic horror novel.
2024 studio project. Designed in Adobe InDesign + Adobe Illustrator + Adobe After Effects.
Informative Publication.
2023 studio project. Designed in Adobe InDesign + Adobe Illustrator.This project was all about employing the brand guidelines from our brand manual to make physical collateral that would be found inside a membership box for an imagined Pattern and Motif Museum in Aotearoa.
Brand Box Inside with Contents
Brand Box Outside with Flat Lay of Contents
Members Brochure Outside (Left) and Inside (Right)
Members Post Card + Members Card Front (Left) and Back (Right)
Designed in Adobe InDesign + Adobe Ilustrator.For this project we had to make a brand manual going over the brand guidelines and how to use brand images + logo. I made a 250mm x 250mm folder covered with a linen fabric following the earthy tones within the brands designated colour palette.

All Pages

2023 studio project. Designed in Adobe InDesign.This project we were told to find an old folk tale or myth from another culture which we would research into. We got to choose what we wanted to explore in the publication and I went with an analysis of the story of 'The Bacchae' and it's meaning and message. I analysed the story with a modern day queer take. I explored the twist of expected gender roles of ancient Greece and unpacked Dionysus and their frankly genderfluid expression throughout art, statues and written works.My choice of majorly pink and blue colour theme for a project like this could have been controversial but I made sure to use the colours equally and never did pink denote femininity or blue denote masculinity. It was a lot more interesting to explore these themes using Greek statues which were the perceived standards of men and women of the time and then juxtaposing this by collaging them together.

Posters + Rationale
Mental Health Awareness Campaign
2022 Awareness Campaign Project Designed in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.This project I worked on after learning about the long wait times there are for mental health helplines in New Zealand. I wanted to bring awareness to this issue with the intention of getting more people to join mental health hotline services or to donate to mental health foundations in NZ.
chlöe swarbrick speech animation
2023 materials and media project. Designed in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Designer Diptych Inventory
2023 design research project. Designed in Adobe InDesign.This is a designer inventory featuring posters which talk about the important things to me as a designer and creative. The first poster is made all with drawings I did in procreate and then the second poster is text based and goes into more detail about each object.

Design Influence Brainstorm

"The wolf." (2024)
"Self portrait." (2024)
"Nostalgia One." (2022)
"Nostalgia Two." (2022)
"Mika." (2021)
"Fenris." (2024)
Identity Concertina
Year 1, Semester 1 Studio Project. Designed in Adobe InDesign + drawings done in Procreate.This is a concertina made with the brief being to explore and introduce ourselves. I explored a lot of what makes me a queer designer and my feelings after recently coming out as a trans man. The sides contrast each other, one side being very colourful and cartoony and the other side is in black and white and done in a more realistic drawing style.

Type / Font Specimen Booklet
Year 1, Semester 2 Materials and Media Project. Designed in Adobe InDesign.For this project we were given a font and tasked with making a type specimen booklet for the assigned font. I got the font ASAP designed by Pablo Cosgaya. I researched to font a lot so within the type specimen booklet I could appropriately showcase the fonts personality and style.

Type / Font Specimen Animated Gifs
Year 1, Semester 2 Materials and Media Project. Animated in Adobe After Effects.Following the type specimen booklet project we were then tasked with showcasing our assigned fonts and the pages we previously designed with the element of movement. I wanted to play into the fonts name "ASAP" and balance fast moving information for the sake of aesthetics while still being legible.

Photo Manipulation Collages
Year 2, Semester 2 Photography Project. Designed in Adobe Photoshop.This is a series of self portraits done in my photography manipulation course. All of the photos I took myself and then edited together collage style to display a theme of nostalgia and how the places I have grown up with have shaped me as a person.

Personal Illustration Work